Rev. Paymus Nutt
African American Trailblazer
Lively Hope Baptist Church
Choosing the name Lively Hope, which they adopted from the passage of scripture found in 1st Peter, 1st Chapter, 3rd Verse, which reads “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead”, the members of this community in the year of 1880 decided to erect a church. They were attending Zion Baptist Church, Lottsburg but because of the distance, they decided to erect a house of worship in their own community, at first they worshipped in a bush harbor. (Made of brush or bush tied together with rope or vine in the form of an arbor a small one-room structure resulted.)
Among the most prominent founding fathers were: Brother Edmond Lane, W. W. Maith, Agustus Maith, Edmond Maith, Henry Gaskins, Fleet Plummer, Richard Jones, Ephfrine Jones, Reverend Paymus Nutt, his son, Carey Nutt and J. W. Gaskins who served as church clerk until 1914.
In 1886 they built the church, once located across the road, with Reverend Carey Nutt as Pastor (1886-1908). In 1887 under his leadership, Andrew Jackson, Thomas Williams, Morgan and Turner Brooks and many sisters were brought into the fold. In 1899, there were 22 sinners converted under Reverend Nutt. In this group were: John Maith, Will Maith, Fleet Jackson, Alfred Stewart, Annie Lyell and many more.

Reverend John Brown served from 1908 to 1910. Reverend Brown was succeeded by Reverend A. S. Elmore, who served from 1910 to 1916. During his pastorship, the back of the old church was erected. In 1914, Mrs. A. J. Pierce was elected church clerk. She served until her death. Mrs. L. C. Blackwell then became our clerk with Mrs. S. E. Brittian as assistant.
Succeeding pastors were: Reverend W. W. Sebree (1918-1923), Reverend John Smith (1923-1926), Reverend L. C. Thomas (1927-1930), Reverend R. F. Spence (1931 until his death in 1954). During the pastorage of Reverend Spence, the building in which we now worship was erected, a senior choir was formed with Sylvia Johnson serving as President and Director, a Banking Committee, with members Fleet Jackson, J. H. Brittian and Lillian Blackwell was formed. Wednesday night prayer meeting was changed from the old church to the new church. Reverend Edwards was ordained with Reverend Spence rendering the ordination prayer, and Samuel F. Brooks resigned as Superintendent of Sunday School. Alton Brooks was elected to succeed him.
Reverend Spence was succeeded by Reverend L. W. Baylor. His duties began in 1954. Under Reverend Baylor, the worship time was set at 11:30; business meeting was changed to each Friday before the first Sunday, Missionary Circle organized, youth choir reorganized, heating system installed.
In April 1957, Brother Alton Brooks and Brother Wilton Stewart were ordained as deacons. In 1959 Brother Alton Brooks was elected Chairman of the Deacon Board with Brother Lewis Blackwell, Sr., as co-chairman.
Bible study was suggested and organized. Deaconesses were asked to perform their duties; they were Lillian Blackwell, Gladys Maith, Lucy Stewart and Ida Jackson. Pastor’s Aid was organized. In September 1960, Benny Maith, Sr. and Leonard Stewart were ordained deacons; Albert Butler and James Williams were appointed Trustees. The old school property (formerly Branch Chapel Elementary was purchased by the Guiding Light Chorus and deeded to the church.
In November 1962, Reverend L. W. Baylor submitted his resignation. Being guided by our Heavenly Father, Reverend W. T. Jackson became our Pastor in 1963. Much was accomplished under his leadership; an addition to the rear of the church, paid off mortgage, new robes purchased for the youth, Sunday School Bible Class, and Annual Days established. In June 1970, the Lord called Reverend Jackson from labor to reward.
Reverend Linwood Jones, Jr. became our Pastor in January 1971. During this tenure, we accomplished many things; carpet purchased, Communion table and Altar Set was completed, Senior Citizens Day began, youth club reorganized, old school moved and placed at the back on the church to serve as an annex. Olivia Thompson was elected church clerk with Irene Roane continuing as assistant. In the beginning of 1974, Irene Roane, being our financial secretary, resigned as assistant clerk and Saul Brooks was appointed as assistant clerk, a new heating system installed, and new furniture purchased for the annex. On the 4th Sunday in June 1975 during our regular morning Worship service, the annex and its contents were dedicated to God by Reverend Jones. The Northern Neck Association was invited to convene with us in July 1975 and it was a great success. The church was given a standing ovation for the fine hospitality rendered. In August 1975, the Usher Board sponsored an appreciation service for Reverend Jones. It was well attended by Ministers and members of various churches. In 1977, Reverend Jones resigned.
In 1978, Reverend Robert Edwards became the new pastor. In 1980, Reverend Edwards resigned and was succeeded by Reverend E. Roscoe Johnson, who became our Pastor in the year of 1981.
Under his leadership of Reverend Johnson with the help of the Lord, Lively Hope accomplished many things; a van was purchased so the youth would have transportation to Sunday School and other church functions, Fall and Youth Revival established, young women’s club and young men’s clubs, choir were organized. Central Air was installed, a new piano purchased, cushioned pews and storm windows installed. In 1983, Betty McCoy became church clerk, and Norman Maith was assistant clerk. The Sunday School implemented a Scholarship Fund in memory of the Late Deacon Wilton Stewart. Easter Sunrise Service was organized.
In February of 1998, our Heavenly Father called Reverend Johnson from labor to reward. We were again looking for a pastor. Being led by the Holy Spirit, Reverend Milton Jackson became our Pastor in July 1999 until May 2002. After Reverend Jackson left, Reverend Darryl Fisher came to guide us for a few months. Before leaving, Reverend Fisher recommended Reverend Frank Brooks.
In September of 2002, Lively Hope Baptist Church asked him to serve as Pastor. In January 2003, he was asked to serve as Interim Pastor for one year and in January 2004, he was asked to lead Lively Hope Baptist Church as Pastor. Under Pastor Brooks’ leadership and by the grace of God, the following events have taken place at Lively Hope:
The Pastor’s Aide Ministry was reorganized.
The Men’s Ministry was organized. Since their organization, the Men’s Ministry have sponsored several Men’s Breakfast and held a workshop entitled Go Ye Into the City. Rev. Leon Haynes, Executive Director of Hosanna House and Pastor of Covenant Church of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania shared through scripture and testimony strategies on how the men of Lively Hope can take back their community for God.
A new piano was purchased and a new well and water fountain was installed.
Rev. Brooks was instrumental in inspiring the men to band together and remodel the holding room in the back of the church. A new storage shed was purchased and additional remodeling projects are still underway.
A new cooling and heat pump system was installed.
The walkway in the back of the church was covered and enclosed.
The Deacon Board was revised by having three (3) deacons ordained in May 2007. In May 2009, three (3) more Deacons were ordained.
Four (4) deaconesses were elected to the Deaconess Board. An additional two (2) Deaconesses were elected in 2009.
Additional trustees have joined the Trustee Board.
A Fun Day was held at the church in 2007.
Church sponsored a cruise to Bermuda in June 2007 and is planning to sponsor another in 2011.
A women’s ministry was organized in 2007 under the leadership of Minister Clara Smith.
The “All 4 One Purpose” Praise Dancers were established.
In June 2009, two Deacons attended a VA Constituent Workshop at Hosanna House in Wilkinsburg, PA.
A bazaar was sponsored by the Women’s Ministry in September 2009 to support the Church.
In 2009, an Advisory Council was established, along with a Financial Committee.
All new officers were elected in 2010
In 2011, the Church was partially bricked. The bricking of the entire Church is expected to be completed 2012-2013 timeframe.
Major kitchen repairs were completed, including the flooring and new cabinets and sink installed.
Other major Church repairs were completed.
Also to give our Lord and Savior the praise, under his leadership, over 20 new members have confessed Christ as their Lord and Savior. Over 20 have joined the fold by letter under his pastorage.
2014, Minister Tony Brooks was licensed.
2015, Minister Lawrence Weldon was licensed.
The information on this page was submitted by Lively Hope Baptist Church.