Rev. Paymus Nutt
African American Trailblazer
Shiloh Baptist Church
We are African American Christians who are Baptist. Our Shiloh Baptist congregation has its rootage in the Baptist heritage of the Northern Neck of Virginia, beginning with the Morattico Baptist Church founded in 1788. Out of Morattico was born Wicomico Baptist Church in 1810, which became the Coan Baptist Church in 1847. Fairfield Baptist Church began fellowship as a congregation June 8, 1811 on one acre of land given “for use and benefit of Baptists.” The fellowship was organized on June 23, 1844 from Wicomico Baptist Church. There were 135 black and 68 white members. Shiloh Baptist Church was born out of Fairfield Baptist Church on August 10, 1867 by 38 ex-slaves who petitioned the Church for full membership and participation rights or letter of dismissal to form their own fellowship.
We are African American Christians who are Baptist. We are blood brought, saved, sanctified and holy. We are The People of God in this place. “But if we walk in the light as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin” (I John 1:7).
We are African American Christians who are Baptist, bound together in love by Covenant. We are Covenant people, believing and agreeing under the watchful embrace of The Eternal. Having been led as we believe, we enter into Covenant one with another. As African American Christians who are Baptist, we have affiliations with other Baptist congregations through The Northern Neck Baptist Association, The Rappahannock Baptist Association, and The Baptist General Convention of Virginia, The Baptist General Association of Virginia, The Lott Carey Baptist Foreign Missions Convention and The Southern Baptist Convention.
As we celebrate our heritage of 149 years, we are grateful for our blessed past, thankful for out vibrant present and excited about our promising future.
We are thankful to God for the opportunity to participate in the birth and development of a new congregation, Emmanuel Christian Fellowship under the pastorate of Michael Taylor.
To God be the glory for the great things He has done.
In church meeting August 10, 1867, the following letter was received from the colored members of this church requesting letters for dismission to form themselves into an organization, which was granted unanimously to the members of thirty-eight.
To Elder Wm. Kirk and the members of the Fairfields Baptist Church:
Beloved Brothers-Grace be unto you, and peace from God the father of our Lord Jesus Christ. From an earnest desire to act in all things with an eye single to the glory of God and for the unity of that common faith which constitutes us in Christ Jesus. We have thought it advisable to counsel with you on the subject of our future church relation. So that whatever maybe done we may at least preserve that peace and harmony which ought to characterize those of the same faith and order, and promote the prosperity of that cause which through your instrumentality has been the means of calling us into the light and knowledge of the glorious gospel of the Son of God. Without alluding to the providence that so mysteriously changed our social and political relation, we conceive that under the new order of things we are not only advanced in our religious privilege, but that solemn and weighty responsibilities imposed upon us, a new class of duties in which we should be wanting in fidelity, if we did not seek to place ourselves in that position in which we could best promote our mutual good, both in reference to ourselves and our posterity. In this new relation and subject of a separate church organization presses itself upon us as the best possible way in which we can promote those indispensable interests, such as ordained ministry, a separate congregation with all the privileges the unity of the faith and continue in church fellowship with our white brethren? And thereby perpetuate our church identity, so that in all the general interest of the church we may be mutually interested and to some extent co-laborers. To effect this may require the concurrent action of all the membership of all the congregation concerned; and the object of this communication is to ask our attention to this subject, with the hope that such arrangement can be made as to induce a general church meeting at some convenient time and place for this purpose; that our identity may be preserved or perpetuated if possible, and if not that we may receive your parting benediction and blessing, as well as your endonation of our Christian character and standing. All of which is most respectfully submitted for your prayerful consideration and action. Hoping that unerring wisdom may guide us in the way of all truth, we remain dear brethren in the bonds of Christ.
Yours Fraternally,
Samuel Conaway, Secretary
Hiram Kenner, Chairman
The Rev. Paymus Nutt was the first minister, serving as Interim Pastor. The Rev. Nutt served well for 10 years, doing what he could for the advancement of the people entrusted to his care.
The Information on this page was submitted by Shiloh Baptist Church.